
EdSurge On Air

How Can School Leaders Personalize Learning? New Book Offers a Guide

Personalized learning has been an education buzzword for several years. A recent survey by the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) put personalized learning at the top of the list of state priorities. But what does personalized learning actually mean, and how can school leaders do it?

A new book offers something like a step-by-step manual. It’s called Pathways to Personalization: A Framework for School Change, written by two long-time school innovators, Shawn Rubin and Cathy Sanford.

EdSurge sat down with Shawn during the EdSurge Fusion conference in October, to talk about his book and what he’s learned about personalized learning.

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BEP034 – Pathways to Personalization Part 1 – The Why

Shawn Rubin, Chief Education Officer, and Cathy Sanford, Director of Research and Development, both from the Highlander Institute, talk about their new book, Pathways to Personalization: A Framework for School Change.

In this episode, Shawn and Cathy talk about why they wrote the book, the problem that they try to solve and who they hope to serve.

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BEP035 – Pathways to Personalization Part 2 – The Framework

In this episode, Shawn and Cathy talk about the 5 components of the framework, which is the backbone of the entire book.

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BEP036 – Pathways to Personalization Part 3 – Data Collection for Scale

In this episode, Shawn and Cathy talk about best practices for data collection to make sure that you can scale in the most effective way.

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BEP037 – Pathways to Personalization Part 4 – The Change Agent

In this episode, Shawn and Cathy talk about the importance of change agents as human capital, and the key for the framework.

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BEP038 – Pathways to Personalization Part 5 – The Early Adopter

In this episode, Shawn and Cathy talk about the importance of the early adopters, who those people are, and the value that they provide.

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BEP039 – Pathways to Personalization Part 6 – The Design Team & Stakeholder Voice

In this episode, Shawn and Cathy talk about the importance and value of developing the right design team, and also the importance of stakeholder voice in framing and shaping what the design team is putting together.

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BEP040 – Pathways to Personalization Part 7 – The Pilot

In this episode, Shawn and Cathy talk about the pilot— the time frame, what the content of that pilot should look like, and best practices.